Our Work


Gorichanaz, T. (2021). Rereading, art-making and other joys: toward a theory of information, repetition and the good life. Journal of Documentation, Early View. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-01-2021-0011

Samson, H. K. (2021). Contemplating infrastructure: An ethnographic study of the University of Toronto Faculty of Information Inforum’s iRelax mindfulness resource area. (Master’s thesis, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1807/104974

Samson, H. K. (2021). Contemplative inquiry: A novel research methodology for information science. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. https://doi.org/10.29173/cais1216


Gorichanaz, T. (2020). Sanctuary: An institutional vision for the digital age. Journal of Documentation. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-04-2020-0064

Hartel, J. (2020). The course Information and Contemplation, student word clouds, and the job search. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 61(4), 481-486. https://doi.org/10.3138/jelis.61.4.2019-0048

Latham, K. F., Hartel, J., & Gorichanaz, T. (2020). Information and contemplation: A call for reflection and action. Journal of Documentation, 76(5), 999-1017. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-05-2019-0076


Chabot, R. (2019). The information practices of New Kadampa Buddhists: From ‘Dharma of scripture’ to ‘Dharma of insight’ (Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University, London, Ontario). Retrieved from https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/6099

Gorichanaz, T., & Latham, K. F. (2019). Contemplative aims for information. Information Research, 24(3). Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/24-3/paper836.html

Earlier Publications

Gorichanaz, T. (2016). Experiencing the Bible. Journal of Religious and Theological Information, 15(1/2), 19-31. https://doi.org/10.1080/10477845.2016.1168278

Hartel, J., Nguyen, A. T., & Guzik, E. (2017). Mindfulness meditation in the classroom. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 58(2), 112-115. http://doi.org/10.3138/jelis.58.2.112

Kari, J., & Hartel, J. (2007). Information and the higher things in life: Addressing the pleasurable and the profound in information science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(8), 1131-1147. http://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20585

Siracky, H. (2013). Spiritual journal keeping: An ethnographic study of content, materials, practice, and structure (Master’s thesis, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1807/42933